
Progress normally means continues improvement, that is, a movement towards something better than what is. It is undoubted that progress does make living easier for mankind. It is also undoubted that we have to pay a price for progress. Thus progress has its benefits as well as its undesirable companion, consequences.
The town I live in is undergoing great changes. A few years back there were so many padi fields all round the town. Now those fields are quickly removed for building houses. I admit that the houses are urgently required for the ever expanding population and the building of these houses certainly have the benefit to the residents. If these houses are not built then the result will be that illegal squatters will spring up and make matters worse.
However progress for us has to be paid with a terrible price. The price of this is the degradation of farmers as well as the padi fields, and this country will not be a rice self-supporting country in the next five years if the government has not done a quick and effective strategy to overcome the issue. So, a benefit for some people results some consequences in this life or to another group of people. Which one is more important? I really cannot answer that.
The trend of progress whereby is beneficial to a man but brings so many consequences to other is evident everywhere. The likelihood is that this trend will continue and probably get more intense.
For instance, the construction of super highways is definitely necessary for the old system of roads which cannot simply cater for the number of vehicles using them. These highways bring benefit and convenience to people who are using transportation or owning vehicles. To others, no one is allowed to cross from one side of the road to the other. It means physical contact between both sides of the road is restricted.
The factories and other human inventions that produce goods for our convenience and health are also another example. We grow in wealth and power. Our living becomes easier.
However, the consequences continue to bring unwanted problems to our live. Crime, violence, and new diseases are ready to face the human race from getting the benefits of the progress. A man who cannot overcome all of the problems will be left behind even lost in the name of nature law. A man who can adapt with all of the problems will continue to keep their pace with the progress.
So, the progress whatever it is brings so many choices for us from good to bad which carries the benefits and the consequences. Which one do you choose? It depends on how you act towards the progress. The only hope that is we live with the progress with full of conscience so we can prevent the negative consequences of the progress.

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